Doctors who treat CHRONIC LIVER DISEASE (CLD) or similar ailments belong to following departments:
To Find relevant doctors click on the department name

Gastroenterology - Medical;Gastroenterology - Surgery;Hepatology

Gastroenterology - Medical , Gastroenterology - Surgery , Hepatology

If you want to search Gastroenterologists in different cities then click on the appropriate link below
....and many more, For searching doctors in other cities go to our Doctor Search and seacrh by name , specialization and locality...etc
If you want to search  Gastro Surgeons in different cities then click on the appropriate link below
....and many more,For searching doctors in other cities go to our Doctor Search and seacrh by name , specialization and locality...etc
If you want to search  Hepatologists in different cities then click on the appropriate link below
....and many more,For searching doctors in other cities go to our Doctor Search and seacrh by name , specialization and locality...etc
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Latest Activity

What to do for treatment of chronic liver parenchymal disease along with portal hypertension?
I am diabetes patients. I am suffering chronic liver parenchymal disease with m...
Male 46 , Guwahati


1 Day Ago

Chronic liver disease patient now paralysed due to high BP, please advise
our patient is having a chronic liver disease with positive hepatits B and pa...
Male 45 , Allahabad


2 Day Ago

please suggest doctor forCLD, Esophagus:GradeII-III var
CLD, Esophagus:GradeII-III varices post EVL ulcers,with PHG...
Male 68 , Patna


2 Day Ago

Chronic liver disease - need advice for best treatment.
My father who is 70 years old and suffering from CLD since 2011. Till 15 days a...
Male 28 , Kolkata


1 Day Ago

Looking for liver transplant for CLD patient at Kolkata.
I want to know what is the cost of liver transplant. My father is sufering fro...
Male 55 , Banka


1 Day Ago